Thursday, September 25, 2008

the syllabus

Research on ELT2 credits
facilitator: Atti Herawati, Dra., M.Pd.

Course description
Research on ELT gives an overview on basic theories in conducting research on English Language Teaching. In Research on ELT the students will learn both qualitative and quantitative research. They not only learn the theory of research methodology but also bring the theory into practice.

Course objectives:

After taking Research on ELT course the students are be able to recognize research variables, develop research question, state research hypothesis, understand and apply research methods and design appropriately, develop research instruments, analyze research report, and write a research proposal


Students should attend at least 80% (12 meetings) of the whole sessions including mid term and final test sessions. If a student comes into the classroom 15 minutes late or more, he/she is considered absent.


Students are assessed in terms of rubric which covers classroom attendance and classroom participation, assignments, mid term and final test, learning reflections, and research proposal.

Student’s project:

Every student should:

- write a learning reflection

- write a research proposal

Compulsory reference:

- A Handbook of Research on ELT

- Any Research Method Books (for Language, Education and other Social Study)


Hatch, Evelyn and Anne Lazaraton. 1991. The Research Manual: Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers. Inc

Hubbard, Ruth Saghoury and Brenda Miller Power. 2003. The At of Classroom Inquiry: A Handbook for Teacher-Researcher. Portsmouth: Heimann

Isaac, Stephen and William B. Michael. 1982. Handbook in Research and Evaluation. California: Edits Publishers.

Maxwell, Joseph A. 1996. Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach. California: Sage Publication

Schmuck, Richard A. 1997. Practical Action Research. Arlington Heights: Skylight and Publishing Inc.

Tentative schedule:

Topic of Discussion
Giving an overview of Research on ELT and describing the syllabus
The syllabus
What is research?
Understanding qualitative and quantitative paradigm
- Hatch and Lazaraton

- Maxwell
Research question

Distinguishing qualitative and quantitative research question
- Hatch and Lazaraton

- Maxwell
Research variable
Understanding variable function and variable scale
Hatch and Lazaraton
Distinguishing null hypothesis (Ho) and alternative hypothesis (Ha)
Hatch and Lazaraton
Research method and design
Understanding kinds of research method and design
- Hatch and Lazaraton

- Schmuck
Data collection and Instrument
- Distinguishing test and non-test

- Developing research instruments
Hubbard and Power
Mid term test

Learning reflection 1 is submitted

Population and sample (Research Site and Participant)
- Understanding population and sampling techniques

- Understanding different terms used in qualitative and quantitative research
Isaac and Michael
Research writing technique
- Understanding how to quote and to write reference

- Understanding writing techniques
Research Writing Guide (Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi)
Share and discussion
Sharing experiences in preparing and conducting research as well as research writing process
Students who are conducting research
Analyzing quantitative paper
Presenting research analysis (Quantitative research report)
Students’ papers
Analyzing qualitative paper
Presenting research analysis (Qualitative research report)
Students’ papers
- Research report format

- Research proposal
- Learning different parts of research report (opening, body and closing part)

- Distinguishing research proposal and research report

- Developing research proposal

Final test
Students’ project is due

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a welcome note

Welcome to Research on ELT class.
This subject will give you basic knowledge about the theory to conduct research in relation to English language teaching.
Due to Ramadhan and Ied holiday the classroom meeting will begin on the second week of October 2008. Yet, the on-line class will start on the first week. To know how the class goes you can open the 'Syllabus' post.
I hope you will enjoy the class. See you in the classroom.


About Me

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I am a teacher trainer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Pakuan University in Bogor, Indonesia. I love teaching, because through it I keep on learning.